TOUCHED BY LYME: A beginner’s guide to all things Lyme
Almost every day, someone will post the following question on one of the many Lyme-related on-line support groups: I'm newly diagnosed (or think I might have Lyme.) How can I find out what I need to know?
Almost every day, someone will post the following question on one of the many Lyme-related online support groups: I’m newly diagnosed (or think I might have Lyme.) How can I find out what I need to know?
What follows is an information sheet I’ve compiled for members of my support group. It is by no means all-inclusive. I find I need to strike a balance between giving people adequate information and inundating them with too much to process.
Lyme Disease Information on the Internet — The California Lyme Disease Association’s website features lots of information about ticks, Lyme disease, co-infections, prevention, back issues of the Lyme Times, risk maps, downloadable brochures, blogs, news and events. — online Lyme discussion group for Californians. (Find similar groups in other states by clicking here) — Discussion groups on a variety of topics, including doctor recommendations. — free downloadable brochure — “Lyme Disease and associated tick-borne diseases: The Basics” 5th Edition 2007 by Douglas W. Fearn, of the Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Written in a non-technical question-and-answer format and was reviewed for accuracy by several prominent Lyme-literate physicians. — website of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. Download Dr. Burruscano’s Lyme treatment guidelines and a variety of useful brochures. — gastrointestinal manifestations of Lyme. — psychiatric manifestations of Lyme. — Lyme and multiple sclerosis — monthly newspaper on Lyme and related issues. Read it free on-line. — Lyme and autism — website for the book The Lyme Disease Solution, by Dr. Kenneth Singleton. Highly recommended as a primer for people needing to learn about Lyme disease, fast. — website for book Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic, by Pamela Weintraub. Excellent explanation of the scientific, medical and political turmoil surrounding Lyme disease. — website for Under Our Skin, award-winning documentary film about Lyme disease.
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