Connecticut residents are urged to sign the petition to hold the IDSA legally accountable for violating the antitrust Settlement Agreement with the CT AG. Patients in the Lyme community are alarmed by the IDSA’s flagrant violation of the antitrust Settlement Agreement. Those in Connecticut are urged to sign the petition (link below in full story) electronically and to download a print version of the petition and take it door-to-door, at shopping centers, post offices and other public venues to gather signatures. We need to make our voices heard and we need to make them heard now. Paper petitions may be downloaded from the link below this blog post and should be mailed back no later than May 31st to Time for Lyme, 30 Myano Lane, Ste. 20, Stamford, CT 06902. If you are a Connecticut resident or you know anyone in Connecticut, please get this petition distributed and signed. The health and well-being of Lyme patients depends on it!
Treatment guidelines now determine your medical treatment options. Patients need guidelines that are developed without commercial interests or industry bias. Sign this petition to urge Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal to hold medical societies accountable for their guidelines by continuing his historic fight against the vested interests of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). All patients need access to effective medical care. If you are a Connecticut resident, click here to signthe petition or to download a paper petition for distribution. Let your voice be heard!
You can follow additional comments on Lyme policy at You can contact Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA at
i don't live in CT but have started a petition to support the AG and i will fax it to his office…i live in NYC and husband has late stage disseminated lyme…if the AG can get the guidelines changed that would benefit all lymies everywhere…i think we should all get our voices heard…
I just heard that NY patients were traveling to CT malls to get signatures for the CT Lyme petition. Bless their little pea-picking hearts!
BUT.. I think everyone in CT should give themselves a break this weekend and go to the malls … and while there promote Lyme Awareness and get signatures on the petition!
Oh, not a mall fan? Me neither. How about a baseball game, car race or a soccer practice.. or a visit to the local library (you little bookworms you)?
I heard it is sooooo easy to do, you just have to say to folks passing by, less than 10 little words ….
"Want to sign a petition to help Lyme patients?
And they come running to do it!
Just print out copies of the petition and take them with you wherever your travels take you!
EVERYONE in CT can do it, it is so easy!!! And it will SURE help our situation!!!
And remember no cheatin'. ONLY CT residents can sign the petition.
If you know ANYONE in CT- please forward this to them.
I agree with Carol. I think getting the guidelines changed will benefit all "lymies" everywhere. I don't live in Connecticut, but I have a sister who lives there. I will be forwarding this to her. She's very good about being proactive with this sort of thing. Hopefully the petition is still live, because I know that she will be able to get a good amount of signatures on it!
-Mrs. Bennett
I am here to introduce myself and would like to let all Lyme disease patients know that in the State of CT Greater New Haven Lyme Disesae Support Group is now operational as of 6/1/2012 We are here to share stories resources and to educate. We meet monthly and we hope you can attend one of our support groups.