TOUCHED BY LYME: Transforming CALDA’s message into a fashion statement

Fiber artist/Lyme advocate Nani Lauriano Luculescu takes a CALDA T-shirt and turns it into a stunning piece of wearable art.
It started out as a lime green “Ticks Suck” T-shirt. Now it’s a beautiful, one-of-a-kind dress that’s sure to turn heads where ever it is worn. Perhaps at one of the upcoming 2010 CALDA Lymewalks?
Visit Nani’s Victorious Vixen website for a tutorial on how to turn your own T-shirt into a dazzling new outfit.
Read about Nani’s Lyme Art Quilt project here.
Contact blogger Dorothy Kupcha Leland at
I hope this dress helps to spread Lyme awareness…in style! =) Thanks for sharing this Dorothy.