LYMEPOLICYWONK: A Baker’s Dozen?—Or Is it Six of One a Half Dozen of another?
Some of you know Dr. Phil Baker, formerly of the National Institute of Health, currently of the American Lyme Disease Foundation—a group some regard as a front organization for the IDSA. (4 of the 7 ALDF directors were authors of the IDSA guidelines.) You might know that he oversaw the NIH Lyme disease trials. You might know he testified on behalf of the IDSA at the IDSA review panel—7 of the 8 panel members chosen by the IDSA were IDSA members. You might know that he characterizes the findings of that panel as “independent”, that he characterizes patients as vulnerable fools, and their treating physicians as predators. He has a certain viewpoint, it seems. But in his mind, there is no disagreement among gentlemen about science. It is odd for a man of science to refuse to read peer reviewed research to the contrary. In his mind, are there truly only heroes and villains? No real science. Well, then. Dr. Stricker and I rebutted his editorial and for once, it is available on line. I quote a snippet and then give you the link for the response and counter, counter, counter—whatever…
You can read our full letter to the editor here. A snippet to fuel the fire:
“What Baker fails to tell us is that among more than 22,000 peer-reviewed articles about tick-borne diseases, there are literally hundreds that demonstrate persistent B. burgdorferi infection and failure of short-course antibiotic therapy in animal models and humans, as well as a limited number of studies showing the utility of prolonged antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent Lyme disease symptoms (3,–,10). Refusal to acknowledge this evidence and failure to provide treatment options to patients are the factors that caught the attention of the Connecticut Attorney General when he brought his antitrust lawsuit against the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) (11). It was not the science that was at issue, as Baker wrongly maintains, but rather the process employed by a powerful medical society that led to a biased and exclusionary view of Lyme disease that ultimately has harmed sick patients (12).”
You can contact Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA at
I have been unsure what to make of this debate over Lyme.
1) First, it seems Lyme alone is only believed because of poor testing.
2) This "Lyme" topic seems to be like immature adolescents with extreme comments made, such as that those getting treatment other than from one or similar guidelines are nuts as patients and MD's.
My contacts and family who have treated for all their tick infections, and did high treatment for months or even seasons have become better.
Baker was once described to me, by a Lyme patient whose advocacy had provided the opportunity to work with the man, as the dumbest man in the room — someone with no clue about the disease he had been given responsibility for and lacking the intellect to gain the required knowledge.
He continues to prove that patient advocate correct every time he opens his mouth or puts pen to paper.
I've read the entire letter that you and Dr, Stricker wrote and it is an excellent rebuttal. My thanks to you both.
Just like the Civil Rights Movement, we have no choice to fight on until there is justice.
If Mr. Baker feels so strongly that Lyme is in the mind, perhaps he would volunteer for a little deer tick bite. Talk is cheap Mr. Baker…
Over the years , I have been amazed as to the number of 'well respected' doctors whose names were given to me as being 'knowledgeable' about Lyme Disease. After seeing many of the culprits in this debate, I can truly say that there are physicians who are dumb as doorknobs about Lyme. One pediatrician told my family ( I wrote down all that he said right after the visit and still have his page of quotes)
that kids never get sick with Lyme due to the nightly inspections made by parents, Native Americans never get Lyme and that the chronic form of the disease never existed. I asked him where his information came from and he told me that he had been to numerous' information clinics' put on a doctor from our local State University. This doctor will drive through a erupting volcano to put his misinformation out to the public. He has stifled any and all meaningful research on Lyme Disease at this 'taxpayer' funded State University. Why? Our State University should be at the forefront of the research for a cure. Yet this silly beady eyed doctor insists on his agenda. Bad enough we have to get misinformation from the academic community. We need truth from the media.
Well, after so many years of watching all that has gone on and not gone regarding Lyme .. I think most of cant see the forrest for the Tree's. Ego, Politic's, ill gotten gains. I bet if a good percentage of the people fighting so hard to dispell Lyme Bank Records, other transactions and relationships were examined it would bear this out. Oh, sure .. overall Doctors as a whole are pure egotistical and will most will say they know about something when they do not. But, we are not talking about the avg M.D. who says he knows about Lyme Disease and does not. We are talking about people working their hardest to say there is no such thing. Tell Bush JR. that, he has Lyme !! CK online, youll find it.
This brings to the point I hear no one talking about. What would fuel all this .. has to be something sizable, right ? How about U.S. Government Liability for the responsibility for being the very ones to spread Lyme Disease to out of control proportions ? I know, I know .. we all want to think all nice. We all know that the Government did Bio-warfare testing on Plum Island during the cold war not realizing that birds would carry it inland and to where they Migrate .. the West Coast. The only 2 places recognized for A Long time for Having Lyme Disease.
I have to question, why no one in the position to gather, get enough evidence to bring this into a class action lawsuit has not done so. I dont even hear anyone talking about the Government being responsible, though we all know the details. Are people that afraid ?? Im peeved enough to do anything it takes that Im able to .. to get some form of action taken by ppl that understand the legal system. I believe a Civil Law Suit if not Criminal Charges should be brought upon our Government for their actions. I think they should pay for any research a Lyme panel choosen by the Lyme community believes is needed, which they would monitor and kickem to the curb if not doing a deligent job with the task at hand. Dont thing Universities are sweet lil angles out to do all good. They are looking for money, pure and simple. So, some good and who knows how much bad research is done through the Universities. I started clueing onto this during the Lyme Research via Universities in the East. Lame at best !! Researching points that are outdated and doing a poor and unethical job at that via personal experiance.
We have to remember, we do live in a corrupt society, and most will do anything for ego, status, money or whatever ! Ethics rarely is seen any more. This sounds harsh and I cant think of our society this way often, but when it comes down to facing facts I cant turn from the truth. These forces are no different even within Most Churches. The major difference between the majority of those that attend church and those who do not, is that the People Whom Attend Church are trying to be better people. But society has a very strong influence over everyone, its a matter of degree .. and just because some attend church, smile and behave like Humans are intended to behave, it doesnt mean they dont fall right back into the societal norms once away from that structured reminder where unethical behavior would not be tolerated. (Dont think Im bashing Religion, Im not .. pointing out the frailty of man at every level in society.)
I appeal to anyone reading this to look into the Governments Liability. Some say oh, it was here all along. Yes, it was .. thats how they got it to do bio-warfare testing with. And to test something as a Bio-warfare agent .. they have no doubt it has extremely dangerous deadly potential. Lyme exists in many strains in many places, but was kept in check by nature until man/Government started messing with nature again.
I know this would be a slam dunk so to say case to make !! If presented by competent attornies having all the bases covered, as well the entire Lyme community of the US and other Countries standing behind them, so the government cant pull any of their sneaky underhanded policial behaviors. With the masses we will win. I believe each person with Lyme should be compensated for the untold pain and suffering past, present and future. We will never be the same, even if they find a cure targeting some protein only found with all lyme strains which can be targeted at all variations of lyme. They can undo damage done for decades, they undo a heart attack, they cant give back the years lost and the total harrassment at every level of merely trying to stay alive and pay bills. Its pure and utter Negligence, conspiracy and so much more.
Please contact via Facebook ONLY if you have contact or means etc to get something started in this direction, otherwise .. we will remain suffering until our death with So many more to join us. Something Drastic has to be done. Everything helps, but these lil fights back and forth, mere nibbles that are forgotten quickly!!
Most Sincerely, Cynthia
Please forgive typo's etc (lyme)
The pandemic grows by leaps and bounds. People are dying, some commit suicide after being abandoned by "mainstream" medicine. I know now my own mother died of Lyme Disease which ravaged her brain for decades causing epilepsy, dementia, severe mental illness, and parkinsons. I and my siblings all have it, likely aqquired congenitally. This thing is HUGE and getting bigger every day. I feel confident that once the magnitude of human suffering has reached a certain critical mass, all hell will break loose. With Blumenthal in the Senate, we may be seeing Congressional Hearings and indictments for crimes against humanity. Let's bring these scumbags to justice.
I think it's important to point out that PJ Langhoff's book, The Baker's Dozen and Lunatic Fringe was the ONLY book used to collect evidence against the IDSA in the CT State Attorney General's investigation. I am baffled as to why she is never given credit for such a well researched masterpiece of information?
I think it's important to point out that PJ Langhoff's book, The Baker's Dozen and Lunatic Fringe was the ONLY book used to collect evidence against the IDSA in the CT State Attorney General's investigation. I am baffled as to why she is never given credit for such a well researched masterpiece of information?
YES – PH Langhoff, an innocent mother falsely accused of fabricated Fraud and False "Munchausen's by proxy" declared mentally ill and crusified by (DPHHS) in divorce proceedings for advocating for healthcare of her minor children under (ILADS) Specialists (and thus, direct and/or indirect prosecution) followed by a "witch hunt" with taking of life (legal and physical custody), liberty (choice, dignity, respect, evidence-based medicine, freedom of speech and expression without reprisal by the state), property (real and personal) and privacy violations by the state deserves credit for her well researched masterpiece of information! "The Baker's Dozen and Lunatic Fringe"