TOUCHED BY LYME: Can you boil down your Lyme message to just a few words?

If you just had a couple of seconds to teach somebody about Lyme disease, what would you say? A group of Lyme activists in Sturbridge, MA, distilled their message to this: “Lyme test negative? It may still be Lyme disease!” They added their web address for more information, and posted all this on a big billboard next to the Massachusetts Turnpike, near Springfield.
The billboard is the work of SLAM—Sturbridge Lyme Awareness of Massachusetts. With assistance from a connection in the advertising biz, SLAM paid only a materials fee of $220.
Group spokeswoman Trish McCleary said they’ve received lots of positive feedback regarding the billboard and the group’s recent May Day Lymefair, which included live music, family activities, and Lyme prevention information.
Additionally, Gov. Deval Patrick proclaimed May as Lyme Awareness Month in Massachusetts, and the group has received legislative citations for their Lyme advocacy work.
As Lyme Awareness Month activities get into full swing, we’re seeing newspaper articles, information booths, showings of UNDER OUR SKIN, etc. But this is the first billboard I’m aware of. Hats off to SLAM for their creative efforts. And here’s something to think about: what message would you put on a billboard, if you had the chance?
Contact blogger Dorothy Kupcha Leland at
Another sign could read:
Treated for Lyme-You may still have it.
I hope this sign idea catches on .
There are a few very good Lyme bumperstickers on at the moment, or you can create your own on that site. Putting a bumpersticker on your car is an easy way to support Lyme Awareness Month. My favorite was "9 out of 10 doctors wouldn't recognize Lyme disease if it bit them on the butt."
Lyme's Disease…are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Feed a tick, Get sick!
congrats SLAM; on your big accomplishment with the BLLOARD shown in dorothy'sarticle.
job well done. dorothy thanks for irinaoboutittoyouall.
Coming inside? Check Yourself!
Ticks = Lyme Disease = Not Fun!
This is an amazing step forward in Lyme Awareness. A first in the country, this billboard is incredible! Our website,, has already gotten new members citing "billboard" as the referral source. We are so proud of Trish McCleary and S.L.A.M.! This organization is a real leader and model for the rest of the country for what a small town group of people can accomplish, all started by one woman with Lyme Disease!
Billboards – ALL Lyme/Assoc. Disease Support Groups should get Billboards, how much does/would it cost? –
"Get it Right, Treat the Bite" Lyme Test Negative?
May Still Be Lyme, and Assoc. Tick-Borne Disease pathogens.
Even Treated – You May Still Be Infected!
Lyme/Assoc.Disease (Awareness/Education/
Fantastic billboard! Kudos to S.L.A.M.
How about a billboard that says "Lyme disease… it's not just spirochetes" with a list of coinfections and info.
Life as it was ended 3 July, 2001 – struggling ever since.
I like what Mitch said for doctors "you wouldn't know Lyme if it bit you on your butt"! Why are doctors ignoring or deciding not to get educated on this disease? If they had a loved one that had it, you can bet they would get busy and learn what they could to treat that victim of this evil disease.
The Lyme Awareness billboard certainly makes a lot more sense than those End of the World billboards. Good job.
This is the best. I wonder how much it costs to rent a billboard, without the connections?
Lyme Disease: It's Serious and it's REAL!
That tick carries more than lyme. Get tested for co-infections like Babesia. You can't get well unless you treat Lyme AND company.