TOUCHED BY LYME: Advocacy webinar Oct. 28—register now
Many people who have Lyme disease themselves—or have a loved one with Lyme—want to do something to change the status quo.
You know what I’m talking about—the current situation that leaves so many Lyme patients in the lurch. Few doctors willing to treat them, little to no Lyme insurance coverage, ineffective tests, denial by public health officials—the list goes on and on.
Can one person make a difference? And if so, where does that one person begin? Well, I have a suggestion.
I recommend you start by registering for the free webinar called Advocacy Q & A, sponsored by Project Lyme. Its goal is to help you learn how to get involved with Lyme advocacy at the federal, state and individual levels. It will be held via Zoom on October 28, at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time (2:30 p.m. Pacific Time).
I’m honored they asked me to participate. I’ll share insights from my 15 years of advocacy with, and discuss how the MyLymeData project helps drive patient engagement for healthcare reform.
I’ll be joined by Bonnie Crater, co-founder of the Center for Lyme Action, a group that lobbies in Washington to increase federal funding for Lyme disease. CLA is best known in the Lyme community for its annual Lyme Fly-in. She’ll tell us all how to get involved with 2022’s event.
Also on the panel will be Holiday Goodreau, Executive Director of the LivLyme Foundation and co-creator of the free global app Tick Tracker. She was recently named as co-chair of the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group. Like me, she’s the mother of a daughter with Lyme.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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