TOUCHED BY LYME: Coronavirus suggestions for mold patients
Several years ago, after my daughter finished up years of heavy-duty Lyme treatment, she found herself facing yet another challenge: mold toxicity.
At the time, her mold specialist insisted that she absolutely stay out of any building that hadn’t been specifically determined to be mold-free. Not for a few days or weeks, either. For the duration of mold treatment, which ended up being over a year.
It boiled down to this: No grocery stores, no movie theaters, no restaurants. If she absolutely had to go into a potentially unsafe building—like for a chiropractic appointment—she had to wear a face mask.
Sheltering in place
Luckily, her apartment tested clean for mold. So, she stayed home and learned such survival skills as online ordering of needed supplies—and how to keep from going nuts. (Teaching herself to crochet stuffed animals, taking classes online, streaming lots of videos and getting outside for safe exercise when she could.)
Sounds like COVID quarantining, doesn’t it?
Turns out, many mold patients are light years ahead of the rest of us, when it comes to protecting themselves from unhealthy exposures.
But they have questions and concerns about COVID-19, too.
Dr. Mary Ackerley, president of the International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI), treats a lot of mold patients. She recently provided a video presentation to the Tucson Mold Support Group entitled “Coronavirus Suggestions for Mold Patients.”
You can watch it here:
Dr. Mary Ackerley – Coronavirus Suggestions for Mold Patients from ISEAI Nonprofit on Vimeo.
She provided the following links as well:
Summary Recommendations PDF from Dr. Ackerley:
(Below is an excerpt)
Stephen Buhner’s Herbal Treatment for Coronavirus Infections: (3/1/20)
Also see his update (3/15/20)
Tapping Solution – Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) App: (available for iOS and Android)
Rib Raising Technique: Review the video at and read more at
See the handout “Osteopathic Home Exercises for Lung Infections” by Eva Shay,
Postural Drainage to Release Lung Secretions: (many videos on that channel and elsewhere on YouTube)
QIGONG for Lungs and Immune System: (Google this – many free videos available on YouTube). Some examples:
Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Energy Arts Bruce Franzktis
Useful Equipment to Have at Home:
Incentive Spirometer
Disinfecting Home:
My thanks to Dr. Ackerley for sharing this helpful material. Click here for her website.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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