NEWS: Connecticut hearing on Lyme prevention Jan. 27; CT residents, email or testify
The Department of Public Health is seeking funding for a statewide Lyme disease prevention program. Connecticut residents, email a letter of support and show up in person at Tuesday’s hearing.
From the Ridgefield Lyme Disease Task Force:
Early intervention needs reliable laboratory diagnosis of early Lyme infections when the spirochetes are still in the circulating blood before antibodies against the spirochetes are detectable. The science of DNA testing for spirochetemia is straightforward [1]. Community hospital laboratories located in Lyme disease-endemic areas should offer such tests to the local populations. I recommend that the Department of Public Health Microbiology Laboratory conduct periodic proficiency test surveys by sending out blind-coded simulated blood samples spiked with various species of Lyme disease-causing bacteria and irrelevant microbes, and require all hospital laboratories in the State of Connecticut to use their best method to test for Lyme disease bacteria in these blind-coded samples to enhance public confidence in these testing facilities.
[1] Lee SH,et al. DNA Sequencing Diagnosis of Off-Season Spirochetemia with Low Bacterial Density in Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia miyamotoi Infections. Inter J Mol Sci. 2014; 15:11364-11386.