NEWS: Dr. Oz show discusses Lyme disease
This week, the Dr. Oz show discussed Lyme disease. It’s shown here in two YouTube segments.
Tags : Dr. Oz Show
This week, the Dr. Oz show discussed Lyme disease. It’s shown here in two YouTube segments. is a non-profit
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Dr. Oz.. thank you for addressing this issue… we appreciate education on LYME although it would be helpful IF you use all the correct facts.. First I will address the “blood tests”… they are NOT accurate !!! 50% at best !!! … the ticks (graphics) used in the videos were NOT deer ticks..(that carry Lyme)..they are “dog ticks” … Deer Ticks do NOT jump or fly.. you have to brush against them before they latch onto your clothing.. they do NOT have a “stinger” (like a mosquito)they actually use a “sawing” technique to penetrate… they inject a numbing agent into the bite site so they often go unnoticed.. it would have been helpful to stress the “brail” method of a tick check.. and it’s importance in finding and removing them ASAP… Although you listed the “rash” first that is NOT the most common symptom.. nearly 50% of the time the rash does NOT appear.. AND It does NOT always present as a bulls eye!! It CAN reappear months and years later.. and can look like hives etc… The “natural” repellent will NEED to be applied more often… Thank you for referring to this a “chronic”.. how else would we define a disease that last for YEARS.. finally the antibiotic.. IF someone has CHRONIC LYME.. they will need LONG term antibiotics.. I wish that had been made clear.. Lyme disease that has gone undiagnosed and untreated is EXTREMELY difficult to cure.. the immune system has been compromised.. Please continue to bring this to public attention..
Dear Susan – Thank you so much for your comments which are right on! My daughter (16) was finally diagnosed with Lyme. I say Finally because we’ve given her doc an endless list of symptoms for 4 years now (even an alternative doc). Her life lately has been tough, but she’s a tough kid. I hope Dr. Oz will do a follow up, and include how necessary it is for insurance companies (and western docs) to recognize this disease, and allow for proper testing during the early stages. Then, perhaps NDs, MDs, etc will create a treatment format (which is very individual) with meds, herbs, vitamins, and diet to kill the bugs, detoxify, and strengthen the immune system.
Thank you again!
After being misdiagnosed for over 6 years I have Chronic Lyme Disease. What needs to be said here is they treat many other diseases that are not being cured. Like Cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS, the list is long. We just are asking for a chance, not a cure, don’t believe their is one when it has gone this long untreated, however I do feel the antibiotics made many of my symptoms go away, not all. Then the insurance cut me off. They are going according to the strict CDC guidelines which is cruel. I am only 61 yrs old, lost my career, my home, a lot of money, now I am fighting insurance for any treatment and going backwards. Many symptoms are returning. It just seems so cruel and unfair. Sad to say but wish I had cancer instead or another illness that I could at least receive treatment. Do a show on that Dr. Oz…..please please help us.
I have late stage chronic lyme disease. I also believed it would be easier to have cancer. I had been fighting misdiagnosis and medications for many years. I was also diagnosed with breast cancer..lumpectomy. chemo and radiation. Yes…. cancer is easier.
I myself do not have Lyme’s but my uncle does it took his doctors more than 3 years to diagnose he had a dose of the antibiotics and they worked short time for him every doctor he goes to tell him they DO NOT give a second does of the antibiotics they tell him that if they gave everyone with Lyme’s more than one dose they would have people walking around taking antibiotics everyday also they try to tell him that his symptoms that he has are from post Lyme’s syndrome and want to treat him for depression for the chronic fatigue and extremely bad nerve pain he has days he can’t even stand up to walk to the restroom let alone have a semi normal life I also think this is a topic that needs to be addressed. Also I want to point out the doctor that you had on the show said that to remove ticks you get ahold of them and pull them straight out that is incorrect anyone that grew up in the country and around the woods their entire lives knows that to get a tick out and make sure that you get the head out which is how they burrow in knows that you get ahold of them and turn counter clockwise not straight out if you pull straight out you do not always get the head out and if the head is still in your skin it can continue to live and grow and feed off of the person it is in I think both these points need to be addressed and cleared up I would like to have your feedback on this matter and have these points brought up so other people who are having similar issues can try to figure out the best way to have their doctor treat them. Thank you for the show about it this is a disease that many doctors do not understand and also on your show today you said there was a list or something about Lyme’s a list of some sort I think it was could you please email it to me on the address I typed in at the start of this comment