FOX5 NY to air Lyme disease Special Thursday June 30th

On Thursday, FOX 5 NY is airing a special on Lyme disease which will feature interviews with Ally Hilfiger, Marla Maples, Neil Spector MD, and Brian Fallon, MD and others listed below.
FOX 5 presents an in-depth look at the cause and effect of Lyme disease, including the controversy over testing, the issues of misdiagnosis, and the personal struggles of medical professionals and patients contending with this life-changing illness.
- Renowned Oncologist Neil Spector, MD shares his personal story of how Lyme disease robbed him of his own heart
- Singer and songwriter Dana Parish describes how Lyme disease derailed her in the prime of her career and her life
- The touching story of 12 year old Julia Bruzzese, how Lyme disease stole her ability to walk, and how a blessing by Pope Francis during his visit to NYC has provided hope for her and her family
- Brian A. Fallon, MD, MPH – Director of the Center for Neuroinflammatory of the Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University talks about the cause of Lyme disease and what you should do if you’re bitten by a tick
- Yale-Trained Lyme Disease Expert Steven Phillips, MD addresses the controversy surrounding Lyme disease, while Paul Mead, MD – Chief of Epidemiology and Surveillance Activity of The Bacterial Diseases Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers the perspective from the country’s lead public health agency.
- Patricia De La Mora, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College talks about prevention and how to keep your children safe, while Lawrence Putter, MD – Medical Director Lenox Hill Veterinarians discuss pet safety when it comes to ticks
- We also cover the controversies of Lyme in terms of testing, treatment, and coverage by insurance companies
- Encore presentations of the special will air on the following days:
- Saturday, July 2nd @ 6:30pm
- Monday, July 4th @ 10:30pm
- Sunday, July 17th @ 5:30pm
Excerpts from the interviews with Marla Maples and Ally Hilfiger.
I sincerely hope that there is some way that Lyme activists in the NYC viewing area can record this and that they can also gain permission from their local Fox TV station to post the recording on YouTube or on Lyme websites so that interested Lyme patients in other parts of the US can have convenient access to this program. It could help them to explain to their family and friends how difficult it is for Lyme patients to get properly diagnosed and treated, in hopes that their own family and friends will be more understanding and willing to offer them the level of social support that they need and deserve.
My thoughts exactly. Hope they put it on You Tube so those of us outside their viewing area can see it.
I ‘m usually not a big fan of Fox, but I give them credit for the coverage they’re giving to Lyme.
i am in the Delaware valley area and also hope FOX can air it on FOX 29 from Philly. This is important to get out the Lyme and co-infection messages.
How can we see this?
We are told it will be on YouTube. We’ll post a link as soon as it’s available.
good cause the livestream was not streaming on my computer . . .
Good because I can’t find it anywhere on Dish Network and I used the search engine method for doing so. I have a Fox channel, but apparently it is not the right one or something.
Thank you for letting us know, where it will be on YT. 🙂
What channel here in Ohio I have time warner cable
You can see it online here:
We are in the Shenandoah Valley of Va. For the upteenth time I am tole by an MD they don’t believe I ever had Lyme. I have only returned to a Rheumatologist becasue of a recent diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis. It wants to take my vision and though there is no cure it is treated in one way…Prednisone. However, the ophthalmologist does not monitor Prednisone, that has to be done by a Rheumatologist. I did not tolerated antibiotics well at all and so have had symptoms worsening that I did not have before the tic bite. …This has been a fight with the medical community that is on-going and just adds to the pain of the multitude of symptoms I now have that I didn’t prior to 6 years ago. I do have a Lyme aware Dr. in the mix now, but she does not deal with prednisone. . .Before Lyme my husband called my a little Humming Bird..not anymore.
You made me think of a good question. I have been dx’d with Lyme and two co-infections-Bartonella and Babesia, but I believe that it was the Lyme that cause my adrenals to go out and all of my thyroid/hormone issues. The Endo that found my adrenal problem put me on Hydrocortisone(Cortef), which is basically a form of Prednisone.
*Isn’t it bad for a person with Lyme to take any form of steroid period? I’ve heard or read of that somewhere and wanted to let you know. You need to check into it, but I’ve take a form of it for years and it hasn’t affected me. So, go figure, but I use essential oils and a BIG oil lover!!! 🙂
And another thing I’ve heard…while taking the abx, your symptoms WILL get worse. It is all according to how long you’ve had the disease, the process could take longer. You are suppose to get worse, before you get better because it has to kill those little buggers.
One more secret that I’ll tell you, I’ve NEVER taken ANY abx for my Lyme and pulled the tick off of me in ’08.(wasn’t dxd with Lyme until Nov ’13) And…I felt like dying or thought I was. Worse thing that I’ve EVER been through and still fighting it!! :/ A lot are though…
It is strange that I started using essential oils(EO’s), the same year that I pulled the tick off of me, but only for aromatherapy purposes. Now, I use them daily and not for aromatherapy only, to detox and reboot my system. I add them to my baths and there are some brands(not going to same name because probably prohibited)..that I take internally too. They work wonderfully and are a natural fighter, plus they will break the blood-brain barrier..which I heard abx won’t. Grateful that I found my EO’s because truly believe that they are what has kept me going…and alive, all of these years.
God Bless and wish you well. ^_^
I’m in Texas and epilepsy live to be notified of when and where I may view this program.
You can watch it here:
Youtube link to the Fox LD special and full interviews.
I really enjoyed Ally’s interview. She spoke as if she was telling my story. I am Canadian and here in our country I have found that I have been misdiagnosed and neglected.Through countless hours of research I found a foundation that pointed me to a doctor in San Francisco USA. BECAUSE I went many years being untreated and disrespected by our Canadian medical practice I am now in a small percentage of people who are able to advance to another stage. This stage is called Morgellons Disease and that makes the Lyme disease very complicated. Doctors and researchers and scientists are dedicating their time to finding a cure. Low funded and exhausted I thank these individuals who volunteer and care about patients liked myself. I only hope that people become aware! It’s a nightmare I hope to wake up from one day.
Hey Nicole. I do understand your plight because I’m right there with ya. I do believe that I have the Morgellons too because all over my arms I have these little bumps and they have little white balls or strings in them. I can’t leave them alone because they will burn, unless I get whatever in there..out. It will come out too, just a clean little ball. Strange, but my LLMD said that it was the Lyme causing it.
I know that you get it and understand, but others might not. I’ve never had any abx treatment for my Lyme disease either and my adrenals went out(Doc-Endo-thought and dx’d me with Addison’s disease) and started me on Cortef(a form of steroid or prednisone–something like that). My thyroid has been giving me problems with swelling(like a goiter) and they found two colloidal cysts in my thyroid by ultrasound. Now, my breasts did have cysts in them too, but thank God they went away. Both of my under arms, underneath, have these golf ball size knots…or cysts in them and I don’t know what to do about them. On top of it all, the sweats are a nuisance. We wake up drenched, down the the root of our hair..soaking wet and that is because it is messing with our thyroid and adrenals. 😮
Besides the Morgellons, I have horrible joint pain and back pain. Wonder if that is the Lyme that is causing my back pain to be sooo bad? My left arm too will just go paralyzed on its own..I’ve just got so many symptoms. My NS is looking further into that, but I truly believe that it is the Lyme doing it too.
Horrible stuff that Lyme and we are what you call Chronic late stage Lyme disease. It could have all been prevented, if ONLY the docs that tested us…with that crappy test, would have had a good and accurate one, in the first place. :/
God Bless and prayers sent your way. One thing that might help you that is helping me is essential oils. They are wonderful and anther thing that I won’t miss–I take 2 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar(with the mother) mixed with Honey..twice a day and drink plenty of water—and get sleeeep!! Oh..I forgot what has helped me ton too…oil pulling! Yes, that stuff works!!! <3
I am so thankful that a friend sent me the FOX report on Lyme through Facebook! It is so well done, concise and clear.
I was wondering how to get an actual CD or copy of all the reports as I want to give it to my Health Clinic as they are so NOT UNDERSTANDING LYME! I guess this is a common complaint but I want to be able to help others that come through there get diagnosed sooner than later and not have to deal with being a chronic lyme patient like me because it ruins your life as you once knew it!
(The most recent tick the Doctor pulled out of my back was put under a microscope and I was told it was a Deer Tick but that I had to wait and see about the blood test and/or if I developed Lyme YIKES! I tried to protest but it did no good…I was given a RX for two Doxy) I know now, even if they had given me a months worth of Doxy it wouldn’t have worked on the Babesia that I was diagnosed with months later diagnosed elsewhere.
That second time, I was told, that I did not have Lyme as my blood tests were negative BUT even though I kept telling them I felt like I had Lyme again no one would listen…and I was all to familiar with the symptoms as my first bout with Lyme (three years before) my tests had come back positive and it was treated with Doxy successfully. Several long months after my second Deer tick bite, I finally found a Chronic Care Clinic and they diagnosed me with the co-infection Babesia. I am struggling but now with a diagnosis and a wonderful ND who
is helping me get better things are looking up. It is such a long road but I see a light at the end of the tunnel. And of course insurance won’t pay but we all know that anyway.
One thing I would like to know from the Lyme Doctors on FOX is what is it they are using to treat the different co-infections. I know there are different methods and I don’t think enough Doctors and people realize that some of the co-infections can’t be treated successfully with Doxy. Also the video actually kept me from having a Cortisone shot for my knee, as I picked up on the Doctor saying how one of his patients started taking Prednisone for poison ivy and he went down hill with Lyme symptoms returning.
I appreciate all FOX has been doing and hopefully they keep getting the word out…WELL DONE!
Thank you Susie from MA