TOUCHED BY LYME: Protesting IDSA in San Diego, Oct. 9-10
In early October, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—you know, the Lyme denialists, the ones who insist chronic Lyme doesn’t exist, who make it so difficult even for patients with acute Lyme to get properly diagnosed and treated, who make it easy for your insurance company to wiggle out of paying for Lyme treatment—is having its annual conference in San Diego., the MayDay Project, and the San Diego Lyme Disease Support Group are teaming up to hold a protest there.
Events will take place in front of the San Diego Convention Center, October 9th – 10th. The protest will start Friday, October 9th at 9:00 am, and end at 3:00 pm. There will be a candlelight vigil Friday night to honor victims of Lyme disease, from 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm. We will be protesting again on Saturday, October 10th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Click here for more about why we protest against the IDSA.
Click here for the Facebook invitation page for updates about this event.
In 2013, we protested outside the IDSA’s conference in San Francisco. Here is a video from that day. Know what? The issues haven’t changed a bit!
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at
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