education, advocacy and research for Lyme disease
Do You Have Lyme Disease?
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We’d like to give you free access to the LymeTimes Co-infection Special Issue

This Thanksgiving, we want to share our genuine appreciation with you for your gift of data. By participating in MyLymeData you have given a valuable gift of data that had been used to advance our understanding of Lyme disease, how it progresses, and which treatments work best. Your gift of data helps us achieve our goal to improve healthcare for all people with Lyme disease.

Exciting developments continue to unfold. Our first study analyzing registry data was recently published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Healthcare. We have started a collaboration on a tissue collection project with the National Disease Research Interchange, the leading source for research tissues in the nation, and the Bay Area Lyme Foundation Tissue Bank.

In addition, we have collaborated with academic researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles and at the University of Washington. The National Science Foundation has funded UCLA researchers to explore big data analytics using data from our registry. These are essential steps in building a collaborative research engine designed to realize the promise of big data and accelerate research in Lyme disease.