NEWS: Evidence mounts that Morgellons is infectious, not "delusional"

Morgellons, a painful condition which can cause fiber-like growths on the skin, is sometimes associated with Lyme disease.
Press release from the Charles E. Holman Foundation, Feb. 6, 2013:
Evidence Mounting that Morgellons Disease is an Emerging Infectious Illness, Contrary to CDC Report
Latest Scientific Findings Announced by The Charles E. Holman Foundation Show that a Spirochete is Associated with Controversial Disease
The latest in a series of scientific investigations of the illness known as Morgellons Disease has been published January 28, 2013 by the prestigious journal F1000 Research. The newest paper, “Association of spirochetal infection with Morgellons disease” is the fourth in a series of related publications by veterinary microbiologist Marianne J. Middelveen from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and Internist Raphael B. Stricker from San Francisco, CA. Their international coauthors include Divya Burugu, Akhila Poruri and Dr. Eva Sapi from the Department of Biology and Environmental Science, University of New Haven, West Haven, CT; Jennie Burke, Director, Australian Biologics, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Dr. Peter Mayne, Internist/Dermatologist of Laurieton, NSW, Australia; and Dr. Douglas Kahn, Pathologist, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Sylmar, CA.
This newest publication more fully explores the nature of the distinctive filaments/fibers unique to Morgellons Disease. Through the use of histological staining, immunofluorescent staining, electron microscopic imaging and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genetic testing, further evidence was revealed of the involvement of a spirochete, Borrelia, in the etiology/pathogenesis of this emerging illness. Furthermore, motile spirochetes identified as Borrelia grew in culture medium inoculated with patient dermatological specimens. “These latest scientific findings supporting an infectious cause of Morgellons disease should put to rest any claims that the lesions of this bizarre skin disease are either self-induced or that people suffering from this illness are delusional,” said Dr. Stricker. Cindy Casey-Holman, RN, Exec. Dir. of the Charles E Holman Foundation (CEHF) further underscored the significance of these findings by stating, “Evidence is amassing that Morgellons Disease, is a very real emerging infectious illness of major public health concern, contrary to the published conclusions of the CDC/Kaiser paper of Jan 2012. These new findings provide solid evidence repudiating the CDC’s flawed attempt to investigate Morgellons disease. “
Investigation by the Middelveen-Stricker team is ongoing to further determine the relationship of spirochetes to Morgellons Disease in order to elucidate the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease and eventually to determine effective clinical treatment. The preeminent research was funded by the Charles E Holman Foundation (THE CEHF) in their continued commitment to investigate Morgellons disease and to educate the public about this mysterious multisystemic illness.
The CEHF sponsored 6TH Annual Medical-Scientific Conference on Morgellons Disease will be held April 13 – 14, 2013 in Austin, TX. at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel. Key scientists, researchers and leading medical experts will be attending to present and discuss these significant new developments. Further information will be available at the foundation’s website at
The Charles E. Holman Foundation (The CEHF) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to advocacy and philanthropy in the fight against Morgellons disease. The foundation was named for Charles E. Holman, a pioneer in the fight against Morgellons disease. The Charles E. Holman Foundation (The CEHF) is based in Austin, Texas and is led by Executive Director Cindy Casey Holman, RN.
Thank you for sharing this great article. I had Lyme and co-infections, but never had Morgellons, thank goodness. I did have a friend who had it, it was pretty scary. Good information and important links. I hope they record the conference.
Morgellons disease is Bartonella with an added genetic variant. That’s why bart is so hard to treat. Because bart also alters DNA to create tumors that sequester infection.
“Conjugative DNA transfer into human cells by the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system of the bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae.”
“Bartonella are the only bacteria able to produce angiogenic tumors in humans, very much like the Agrobacterium species that produce tumors in plants”
Antibiotics don’t treat DNA disease for that you have to look here;
I tried but your link said file not found. can you send another one?
thanks, sandra
Any reason you can think of why scientists are CREATING this transfer of insect DNA into human DNA? I mean what is the REASON they are giving for such an experiment?
I’ve had it for over ten years. For the past three years I’ve controlled it. When I think maybe it’s gone, I look under the microscope, I still see traces. It’s systemic, it morps and there’s no cure. I take mega neem tablets, c and msm but it’s the severely grinding down the skin with theraneem lemongrass & patchouli soap in the shower. The grinding with exfoliating gloves stops their activity. I will be happy to give more details if anyone is interested. I suffered for seven years, had the best of help but I was still a mess. Scrub, grind with muscle power without damaging the skin, it’s one of the keys.
Jean can you send me more details?
I have this too. Can you send me the information please, it’s aweful.
I would like your protocol also. The MSM does that help with the horrible pain?
hi Jean,
I’d like more info on your protocol also. I’ve had it for 5 years and nothing I’ve tried has helped. I’d appreciate any leads.
thank you, sandra
Can you give me some help? I know this is an older post but need your protocol.
I have had morgellons for 8 yrs. I have discovered that nutrasilver (colloidal silver) keeps symptoms at bay. Sadly they return when I stop, Until something better is discovered, silver at least lets me have a life
I’m full of lesions and strange rope like things coming out of lesion’s. I’m scared too death
Hi. I believe I have this. 2 yrs now. Not a doctor anywhere will help. Pls help me feel better. I feel like I’m dying
You might want to read the following blog entry:
Have You Tried A Yerba Body Brush Before Getting Into THe Shower/ Bath?
Go to
I was cured of this before using prevpac (without the prevacid, just the two antibiotics) then I was reinfected when I breathed in the parasites again in my apt. Unfortunately, the same antibiotics didn’t work as well the 2nd time as the first.
Im the one whos thought Ive been going crazy with the strange prickly itch on my face that Always coincides with a spot in my scalp.
I was pretty and had perfect skin, developed a love for plants and flowers…
Im a gardener fron tick country who has been treated like a lepor for nearly 20years now..
I ve seen specialists and anyone that would take me and had so many diagnosis with No Treatment EVER Working Completely…
Please… How can I treat it?
Is there an antifungal/antiparasitic/antibiotic concoction I can use or take?
ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE WILL KILL LYME DISEASE, which is also called Morgellons. Go to where you can buy an inexpensive EMP device for $160, which really works. If it doesn’t work for you (very unlikely) your purchase will be promptly refunded. Also this website is full of other useful information about Morgellons (Lyme Disease).
To those who may seek proof. Observe an infected person under a fluorescent black light. You can see black bugs moving beneath the skin. Observe an infected person in the path of a heat lamp. You can watch as thousands of dead bugs fly upward into the air away from the lamp. Do this with a healthy person to see the difference clearly. Observe a person who is infected in their hands. Have them put on a tight fitting latex glove. Fill a sink with water, wait five minutes and submerge the gloved hand in the water. Quickly remove the glove while still submerged. The excreted material will solidify immediately and can be removed from the glove. This is the glue like substance that the bacteria produce. Have it analyzed? Sweat would just be sweat and would mix with the water. This material makes up the shiny skin coating. It may also be what traps the fibers. This stuff blends with the skin color at the time of its making. When skin color changes the infected areas tend to resist the change. Once again you are looking for shiny areas on the skin.
I don’t have the power or influence to make a enormous difference in how we the suffering morgellon victims are being treated in the medical community as well as the communities that we live in but it has been so awful. Not only the way we are being treated the pain that comes with this is so much to handle. Many of us if not all live in agony in one form or another. Our entire lives have been destroyed ! How quickly the professional s have forgot the world of the first AIDS outbreak and how many lives could of been saved. Well its another disease that is being overlooked INTENTIONALLY,and many are dying. If people who can make a difference could just look into their consciences and help us the word hope would once again have meaning.
I have tried so many things, and I found a couple of things that are working now. I took Lufenuron for three days, then waited two weeks and just took it again for three days. It is working. It’s a powder that they give to dogs to kill the eggs of fleas. It interfers with insect eggs development. You take it for three days, a loading phase and then it lasts for two weeks. The first time I took it, I didn’t get much results, but this time it worked. This is the first time in a year the bugs are not hatching out of my face, eyes, nose and ears all day long. I tried Albendazole for 5 months, the super strict no sugar, no carb diet for 6 months and got no results. I tried boxes of Ivermectin, no results. I just tried putting lemon juice on my scalp and it stopped the bugs cold. I had been putting Permetherin cream and malathion based cream (Derbac-M) on my head every night and finally something worked, the lemon juice stopped them in two days. I tried clove oil, neem oil, tea tree oil, every solution I found online, nothing worked. So far all I found that works is – a fogger and using cedar oil in the fogger – that got rid of them in the carpets, furniture and clothes. It works. I fog the whole apartment once a week. What works for the clothes is hot, hot water, number one. You can use all the borax and amonia etc., you want but if the water is not super hot, it doesn’t work. The answer to getting them out of your clothes is super hot water, laundry soap, borax and amonia or bleach added to the laundry soap and borax. Also, have very few clothes, wear them all the time so you wash them all the time and get cheap polyester type of things that wash well in super hot water rather than cotton. The bugs seem to multiply in cotton. Lemon juice will kill them in your scalp, Lufenuron will stop them from hatching on your face, eyes, etc., I am taking silver for almost 8 weeks now and they seem to be getting smaller and smaller. The ones that hatch are weaker and smaller. Silver works as an antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal, but it does not kill your good bacteria. Hope this info helps someone. It’s the worst thing to have. They get inside of you, destroy your health, live on you, hatch and reproduce on you, then hatch and get on your carpets, clothes, furniture, shoes, socks, everything and this is how they continue to get back onto you. I lost all my clothes, matress, couch, all I do is clean, take showers, do laundry. It is the worst thing ever. At one point I cut my hair off because I could not get them out of my scalp and doctors do not treat it. They won’t help me at all, and instead they tell everyone who has this that they are nuts. It’s like rubbing salt into an open wound. I don’t have the answer yet how to kill the live ones embeded inside my feet. I have no idea what they are. I found taking liquid sulfur makes the larger ones in my skin pop right out. Take one tablespoon of liquid sulfur with a meal and an hour later the big ones will pop our of your skin.
Thank you Joan for your comments I will try them. How much of the powder for dogs do you take exactly? Thanks.
Joan hi please could u give me more details about what kind of reaction u felt when using the lemon I’m using ketoconazole right now but it has gotten worse so I’m gunna give the lemon a try but Iam so scared of what kind of reaction I’m gunna have cuz instantly after lice shampoo I felt like this thing had a bio film layer glob over side my face and it was literally invisible and I just don’t want that reaction again
I spend the greater part daily trying to get rid of this nightmare.
I am a adult male and they are heavily concentrated in groin area. I spent hours last night with my rolled up terry cloths pulling them out those tiny fibers into a large fur ball. ir back and my scrotum feels and looks like its packed with sticky glue. i
Does any one know of a treatment for that sensitive area? Its hurts.
Do you live in Wisconsin or do they cloud seed a lot where you live? Same problem
I have had morgellons for 3 years. All symptoms go away with nutrasilver. Unfortunately they return if treatment is stopped completely. Low maintenance dose keeps it at bay. Worth every penny.
They spread by scratching area and the specs get under finger nails. they live at bottom of hairs you can find small sacs of black specs at bottom of hairs mainly eyebrows, sometimes arm and hand hairs if course enough. I got rid of them by simply pulling out infected hairs but had to pull out all the hairs in that area and clean with alcohol cut nails very short it takes time but I bet if you check you will find the main infection on eyebrows they spread around body from there by scratching so get rid of all the hairs and stay on top of it for month or hair growth cycle length as some of the specs of black don’t get pulled out with hair and will grow back. I am clean of them but had to go without eyebrows for month but it was worth it as they where driving me nuts, this works it hurts a little pulling out the hairs but it only thing I found finally worked
A large number of patients have been helped and found good results and recovery by working with eminent parasitologist Dr. Omar Amin of AZ. See In his experience, it is most often due to immune reactivity to dental materials (most often, mercury from amalgam as it bioaccumulates over time, but it can be others) in genetically susceptible individuals. Lyme disease may lower immunity and be a coexisting condition. He will do phone consults with you and your team of a physician and a biologic dentist if you are located outside of his region. It is possible to recover quickly, though not cheaply, as dental insurance will not cover the higher cost of safer materials than amalgam. Why? Because there is no medical necessity in dental care and insurance, and no recognition of amalgam’s harm to genetically susceptible individuals by the FDA. It it is still “standard of care” in the U.S., while it is increasingly banned or restricted elsewhere. In the U.S., we do not get an insert on what is installed, nor have the basic right of written informed consent.
I have this thing cause i dont know what to call it.makes thing difficult to diagnoses
.but if i dont get prober care im scared of what i might do.i have proof of what comes out of me
But no one wants to see it
Got over 400 picture also.need help please.
I know your post is a year old, but I would be so grateful if you could send me some of your photos, of these awful bugs.
I’m so sorry your having to deal with this.
It is truley a nightmare!
I hope your getting some relief or have even figured a way to get rid of them.
Take care
Sharon B.
Ive been dealing with this for months please help
Ino doctor will help, where can i start ? My hands have changed pigment color and dry and wrinkled. I ceel bitting on my scalp , face arms and legs all over my body. I have biofilm, please someone help . does anyone know a specialist in ny ???
I’m sorry I don’t have a dr, but please share if you find one. I’m upstate, are you?
Throw a full box of bicarbonate soda, a couple cups of vinegar and a full cup or more of salt into a bath. Soak for 1 hour to hour n half. Keep ur underwear on. After rub Farmers skin oil all over and keep massaging. That’s when red fibres, black specks started to come out.
A lot of really interesting comments and ways to treat Morgellons here. I’m impressed. I read on a website that they are looking for people with Morgellons to participate in some new trial. Lyme-N. I think it was No details but must link to spirochetal infections. Makes sense.
My boyfriend has been making me feel like I’m going nuts for 8 months now. So what’s the next step now that I am nearly certain I have this absolutely hideous disease? I’m already scarred from it and it’s not getting better.
Recommend you contact the Charles E Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation:
I live in Cullman, Alabama and I have morgellon’s disease. I want to learn more about the contagious part of the disease. I don’t want to infect my husband or children.
It’s not contagious but you may have become infected in or around your home so that could be a problem but if you wasn’t infected at your property then you should have no problem with friends and family getting infected there are many ways to become infected ticks , airborne or from handling soil but that’s not all so if there is a possibility that you caught it at your home get your home mold tested and make sure there’s no bugs or try to limit them and a good treatment for inside body is lugols iodine/potassium iodide I have had increased energy while on that and expelling a lot of fibers out of body vitamin c is also good but there’s many treatments good luck all
It is highly contagious
I am looking for any help I can get.I am in Michigan and no one has any clue about this disease.I just figured it out that I have Morgellons and I believe that at least one other family has it as well.Thanks.
Michigan Lyme Disease Association:
Morgellons support:
Lyme info:
I need help getting some help
It’s a real disease, quite scary, the parasite infests the home especially rigs and fabrics they burrow under the skin get into hair follicles and your scalp and then ones hair moves from the parasite moving in the hair itself. Yes. This is very scary. It mimics human hairs, sebum, creating pimples that are NOT pimples they are the parasites in your skin. Many more symptoms accompany this but it is everywhere. Many people are unaware of what they have until it makes a complete infestation! God help us!
There is a lot of information however about this infectious parasitic disease the CDC finally admits that it does exist. No one would wish this on anyone, this is a long journey of diet, cleaning building your immune system and then the hope is that by building the immune system they will no longer find you a suitable host. So there is my full assessment of it so far. Look at all the blogs and people on the internet they will help. At this point most Doctors will not acknowledge it as real.
Did the CDC really admit morgellons parasite is real? I have been suffering for 10 years. I know that we have a long way to go but If this is true this is a start.
Ann, I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you
From kalispell montana my son justino Iannelli is suffering please advise my son is in emergency need of medical help of this desease morgellons he has to get help or there fore justino iannelli my son is going to die please email me he needs your help thank you Tessa Iannelli
Has he tried Revolution for dogs?
I have lesuons and spirochaetes all through my body. The lesions at least 10 times have turned to severe infection with large gaping holes that a large yellow blob comes out of every one then pus that looks like an after birth. Once it’s out it will heal with antibiotics and not be as painful. I also am plagued with flukes and flatworms and have not had a normal bm in 2+ years. I’m so tired. My body is wracked with pain yhat thete are fays i cant get up out if bed. My immune system was compromised and not ever seeing the bullseye rash from a tick as I’m from NH and MA originally now residing in AZ I’m thinking it’s due to the bacteria being sprayed via chemtrails. I need help. I was suicidal when first coping wirh the moving hair as it felt like things crawling. They still move as they are now on my head and neck as i type this. When I prepared food it felt as though they were jumping all over my face. I didn’t want to admit to Morgellons and thought it was seed ticks afflicting me. People thought I was crazy until I bought a lens for my phone that took microscopic pictures. I think most wete flabbergasted. Now not knowing wether or not if it was contagious i refused to go home to my family . Unfortunately my dog Lexi came to me when she was 4 months old and contracted it from me. She exoeriences sllbthat i do. she has lost her hair has kesions, spirichaeyes. Fkatworms and flukes. I know the 2 latter things mentioned are probably from eating sushi once a week back in 2010 + 2011. Now having to deal with seeing them and being this ill, I refuse to eat any fish.b My PCP says they don’t have test for this stuff which is hard to believe.i also went to an infectious disease Dr who hadl lyime patients. She entered the room but nevér examined me . I had a stool sample from having just exploded from drinking Apple cider vinegar warm h2o and baking soda. I took a double dose and the cramps were so severe I thought I would die. But instead I was doing clean up for an hour in the restroom. There had to hsvr been, and no exaggeration. at least 100 large eggs.with flukes of all shapes , colors, and sizes. With my microscopic lense I compared my pictures to ones found on the internet which Ive shown to close friends who are astonished at what they see but confirm the validity of my research. I am worried and scared because I’m so tired and can’t handle the pain in my body. In 2005 I had,a brain tumor removed after 6 years of begging for a referral to a neurologist. I knew before the doctors did and saw it in the mri with contrast That it was a large “acoustic” neuroma that was embedded into my brain stem which required 11 plus hours in surgery. One week later I experienced a pulmonary embolism. Then I just went downhill with needing a blood transfusion, so they advised, but instead I did 650mg of iron a,day for 2 months with my blood count going from 5 to 17.+ Being on Coumadin for 2 years and not eating greens created a vitamin k deficiency and then I acquired a,vitamin d deficiency So there is when I believe my immune system was compromised. All of that was scary but this is like something put of a sci-fiovie abdci got the lead role. Worms on my skin and inside my body along with my hair that lights up and moves. I need to get rid of these spirochaetes as well as the other things that have taken over not just my body but my life. Please help me. If there is someone that takes insurance and Medicare that would be helpful. In the interim I am going to try detoxifying my body the homeopathic way and also natural ways to help with the Morgellons- Lyme bacteria. And if you know of a vet that is up on this stuff I don’t want my dog to die. Please help me.
Thank you
Doxycycline is the only med. that is finally helping me after 10 years of symptoms from mild to scary almost life threatening. I understand your desperation.
The cleansing process is slow. I’m in my 4th month of anti-biotic therapy and I try to shower 2-3 times a day using soft and hard skin brushes.
I’ve tried many homeopathic remedies: this may sound weird; but, creamy peanut butter dry skin rub ( prior to regular shower) removes large quantities of the contaminates that are in the body.
Don’t give up. Keep working on getting well. Your in my prayers. God Bless you,Cheryl
When will we petition and lobby our governments to demand the ‘Center for Disease Control’ to accept and change their ‘delusional diagnosis’?
We who suffer physically are having our personalities and characters damaged by doctors medical reports that are electronically given to employers, insurance companies, …all businesses and other important associates. The computers store the misdiagnosis and the ‘delusional/mental illness’ becomes the patient.
We get ‘zero’ help from conventional doctors due to the CDC acceptance of Kaisers 2012 study and wrong conclusions. This farce borders on mal-practice. Patients are suffering. Damages are inflicted upon them because the doctors follow the CDC.
If you examine the Kaiser study: then, we can find their error and request a current/updated accurate PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS.