LYMEPOLICYWONK: Get your copy of the MyLymeData 2019 Chart Book
How many participants in the MyLymeData patient registry ever had a Lyme-related rash? (34%) How many initially presented with flu-like symptoms? (64%). How many were misdiagnosed with a psychiatric illness? (54%)
These are some of the details you can learn in the MyLymeData 2019 Chart Book. This report is a compilation of our research results based on more than 2.5 million data points we have collected and analyzed within the MyLymeData project during Phase One.
Much of the information highlighted in this report was previously unknown to the community, because so little real-world research on Lyme disease has been conducted. MyLymeData is a testament to what can be achieved when patients pool their data to help find a cure. More than 12,000 people have joined the registry so far.
You can download your own PDF copy of the 36-page 2019 MyLymeData Chart Book here. (It’s free.)
Click here to learn more about MyLymeData.
Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA, is the Chief Executive Officer of You can contact her at On Twitter, follow her @lymepolicywonk.
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