“Chronic Lyme disease” remains a contentious term
I was recently interviewed by Charles Seales of Newsy’s “The Why,” who asked me what I’d say to people who claim chronic Lyme disease is not a legitimate diagnosis.
“Chronic Lyme disease” is a term that still generates controversy in the medical world.
I was recently interviewed by Charles Seales of Newsy’s “The Why,” who asked me what I’d say to people who claim chronic Lyme disease is not a legitimate diagnosis. I also spoke with him about the findings of our recently published study on Lyme disease.
Newsy is an online national news network.
View the video interview on chronic Lyme disease.
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/dn6kB-_jUP8″ title=”Interview about Chronic Lyme disease”]
Lyme disease patient response to antibiotic treatment
MyLymeData surveyed patients and asked, “What worked for you?” The response is 35%, roughly a third, are getting better with antibiotic treatment. Now, that means a lot of people aren’t getting better and we need better treatments.
Click here for more information about MyLymeData.
Click here for more information about chronic Lyme disease.
If you are a patient who is not enrolled in MyLymeData, please enroll today. If you are a researcher who wants to collaborate with us, please contact me directly.
The MyLymeData Viz Blog is written by Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA, who is the Chief Executive Officer of LymeDisease.org. You can contact her at lbjohnson@lymefaces.com. On Twitter, follow her @lymepolicywonk.
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