‘New’ Lyme study offers little insight into epidemic

Poughkeepsie Journal, April 9, 2016:
by Holly Ahern
On March 31 the New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM) published an article titled “Randomized Trial of Longer-Term Therapy for Symptoms Attributed to Lyme Disease.”
Publication of this article in NEJM, which reported on the outcomes of the clinical trial, Persistent Lyme Empiric Antibiotic Study Europe (PLEASE), was announced with great fanfare in a press release stating the following:
“New research suggests longer-term antibiotics may not ease persistent symptoms in patients with chronic Lyme disease. About 10 to 20 percent of people with Lyme disease experience fatigue, muscle aches and sleep problems. In their study, researchers found no difference in patients who took a 12 week course of antibiotics versus a two week treatment.”
…Similar to the way other studies relating to antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease have been announced, these headlines are a rhetorical overstatement of what was actually “found” in the study. READ MORE.
IV ABX gave me relief for 7 years. Approximately 2002-2007Then a stupid doctor jerked my treatment. I should have had open-ended treatment. Diabetics are supposed to have open-ended treatment, though drug companies now day are making medications so expensive that even some diabetics cannot get their insulin. Off-subject, I know, but drug companies, insurance, government agencies are so psychotic at making sure sick people do not get the treatment they need, except for maybe morphine to help kill an older or very sick person.
IV ABX should be a choice for a Lyme patient. I am so tired of the Mafia criminal medical establishment making Lyme patients suffer endlessly and needlessly. Bunco on that stupid study. Ask a Lyme patient what helps them, not some stupid highly-paid researcher. Ask a Lyme doctor what helps patients.
It would be nice if there was someone who would really help, but at least I get to express my pain and suffering, and there are literally millions in the same situation I am in.
Just so sick and so very tired of all 24/7 torture and the stupid bunco.
My husband Bob, has all the classic symptoms of Lyme Disease, except swollen joints and stiff neck/headaches. These have been going on over a year now. He sleeps and awakens still tired, his personality is changing from mild and easy going to agitation and sometime explosiveness. Impatience with others and an overall affect of sadness. He is 75 years young, has had a 4 vessel CABG about 6 years ago. I finally convinced our FP doc to order an EIA on his recent annual blood work. It came back normal as his complete lab panels. I do not want to sweep this under the rug. What specialist would be appropriate to dig further to help us get an answer to this puzzling health decline? We live in rural west central IL on a 400 acre farm. Medical care is long distance, but we need to find the answer. What typ of physician would you recommend who will look at this seriously and investigate it? Thank you for your assistance.
Recommend you see a Lyme specialist affiliated with ILADS. (www.ilads.org)
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