NEWS: Yolanda Foster brings Lyme story to Good Morning America

Yolanda Foster, star of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” talked Lyme disease on the popular news show.
Click here to watch the TV clip.
Tags : Yolanda Foster
Yolanda Foster, star of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” talked Lyme disease on the popular news show.
Click here to watch the TV clip. is a non-profit
501(c)(3) that serves the patient community through advocacy, education and research.
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Thank you for airing this piece on Lyme. It is so important to get the truth out about this disease. My two adult children have been battling this disease since childhood.
Hoi Yolanda.
Ik ben ook lyme patiënt ongeveer 8 jaar aan de AB.
Er zit nog geen verbetering in, En moet veel zelf betalen o.a.voedingssuplementen en AB uit het buitenland.
Moet zelf een traplift aanschaffen omdat mijn echtgenoot werkt, En dus boven het modaal inkomen zit, Dus mijn spaarcentjes gaan weer op.
Heeft u nog suggesties die niet te kostbaar zijn?
Rolstoelafhangkelik , en veel pijn.
Ik wens u en alle gezinsleden veel sterkte en beterschap toe.
Hartelijke groeten vanuit Zeeland.
Have had Lyme since 1972 and not been treated until 1982. Of course it was much too late.
I am daily in pain,either infected eyes, bone pain, itching attacks, sleepless nights, heart racing,bone pain, neck stiffness, whatever the bugs do what they want.
I don’t believe that 12 months of antibiotics will do anything, or two years, they are so protected and unrecognizable by our immune system that one can only try to take additional the medicines Dr. Burroscano recommends, especially daily vitamins and enzymes.
Lyme disease is not just in the North East, it’s in Texas as well. We have
More patients having to go out of State to get the treatment they need,
We had to send our son to Washington DC for treatment.
I’m sorry you have suffered so much that your having to sell your house.
There is a wonderful Lyme support group in California if your interesa e-mail me and I will send you the information.
Lyme Diasese is the most under reported Diasese in the US.
It’s a communibal Diasese with the CDC.
You can be a great spokes person for
Lyme. If your in Austin I’d love for you
To come speak at our support group
Teresa Jones
Austin Area Lyme Council Leader
Hi Yolanda,
I also was so sick from Lyme Disease and had to move from our dream home 2 years ago and stop working. Its true we can make a home anywhere. Everyday is a battle, but I’m feeling much better overall. I’m proud of the work you’re doing for Lyme Disease!
I have lost everything due to lyme. I have been sick since the late 80’s and my children have been affected. I lost my little girls because when they missed school due to lyme, their father used this to attack me and take my children from me all the while pretending he agreed with the lyme diagnosis. They now have no mother in their lives and I am an excellent loving mother just dealing with a horrible illness that only the lyme doctors understand. Its against the law what happened to me and no one cares. You can’t see lyme, we often don’t look sick but are ravaged with pain and fatigue and dizziness and confusion and sweating and tremors and shaking and anxiety and depression and ringing in our ears and loss of our entire lives. I was an ICU nurse and used to stand for hours on legs that felt cold as ice painful and numb at the same time. I could not get diagnosed for years and had vertigo and severe migraines. Now I have nothing. Beware it can happen to anyone even those that judge the lyme patients and say it doesn’t exist. It exists when it takes everything from you!
Does anyone think that the teenage girl at the center of the battle between two Boston hospitals and who was taken away from her parents has LYME DISEASE? The fact that her condition is deteriorating, she lives in tick country and one of those Boston hospitals in anti Lyme are reasons to wonder. Can anyone contact her parents and warn them of the possibility?
You may be referring to my granddaughter, tho she was only one of several held at a Boston hospital in state custody. Since her release 21 months ago she has made slow but steady improvement under the care of a naturopathic doctor. She still cannot speak or write, but is better able to deal with stimulation of sounds, light, etc. Her behavior has normalized greatly. We are prayerful and hopeful that she will return to full capability after this long journey.