Second meeting of TBD Working Group
Here’s what happened at the second meeting of the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group in Washington DC.
Here’s what happened at the second meeting of the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group in Washington DC. is a non-profit
501(c)(3) that serves the patient community through advocacy, education and research.
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Looks like all the correct things were being discussed but do not under estimate the fear the government has about the many who they will not be able to deny disability for if the truth came out, or 3rd party payers not being able to refuse treatment. There is so much money at stake that it is hard to believe the ship of fools will turn in the right direction any time in the near future.
Then there is the problem below the problem, and that being the obfuscation of Lyme due to the likely government sponsored weaponization of Bb at Plum Island.
So, we have fear of the Tresury being drained, of the coffers of 3rd party payers being drained and the continued cover-up about how Bb was developed as a potential bio-warfare tool during the cold war.
That is a lot to overcome….and while the working group is a good start…. it will be many years still before things change I am afraid.
I agree with everything you say, Paul. But what is our best hope? What are the best steps to take, if not these?
Have to concur.
“we have the most well characterized serum samples”
by outdated Dearborn standards?
pull the other leg.
I have Chronic Lyme Disease. I live in Arkansas. I have seen an entirely different side of doctors that I have never seen before. I am 65 years old and have been basically healthy all my life. I got bit by 2 ticks. Doctors here don’t believe me — they say, “We don’t have that in Arkansas.” Some have gotten almost vicious when I just politely request a test. One doctor said that Arkansas doesn’t even have ticks (that carry Lyme) in Arkansas. One doctor completely rolled her eyes at me when I mentioned it to her. Others have told me to take naps. They act disgusted and are very condescending toward me. They try to belittle me— I will NOT accept that! I have never been bullied by a doctor, but now have been bullied by several. Please get better tests and treatments!
Thank you to everyone on this panel for the beginning stages of trying to combat this disease. It’s a Start.
I was told 15 yrs ago from Florida physicians, that there was nothing wrong with my teen age daughter, when she began her downward spiral into hell. The same year she became ill we took a tick out of our Labrador and 3 days later she died from Tic-paralysis! Educate physicians regarding this EPIDEMIC that is happening in the U.S.
My daughter has chronic Lyme and whom ever says that it does not exist, I will show you her piles of meds, labs, hospitalization, it is worse than having cancer.
It is hard not to have skepticism after all the denial and cover up that has prevailed for 40 years. I only hope that all parties are involved for the right reasons and that huge progress will be made in prevention and treatment of this horrific disease. My husband went 20 years undiagnosed before finally finding a LLMD. This last summer I had a tick bite and a botched attempt at removing the tick properly. My health care provider was completely unconcerned and unhelpful regarding Lyme prevention. This is completely unacceptable.
“Anything can happen, the tallest towers
Be overturned, those in high places daunted,
Those overlooked regarded.”
from ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN by Seamus Heaney
District and Circle
Publisher: Faber & Faber, London, 2006