Sign up now for 2023’s virtual Lyme Fly-In
Do you want Congress to increase funding for Lyme disease?
You can help make that happen by taking part in the Center for Lyme Action’s annual virtual Lyme Fly-in on February 21-22. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FEB. 10.
What’s a Fly-In?
It’s a chance for Lyme advocates anywhere in the US to tell their elected representatives why increased federal funding for Lyme disease is desperately needed. And ask for their support in the upcoming appropriations process.
How it works
The Center for Lyme Action will set up a video appointment for you and other advocates in your area to meet with the Washington DC offices of your Congressional representatives. (Typically, you’ll meet with staff members, though sometimes the Members themselves will join you.)
Don’t worry that you won’t know what to say. The CLA will offer video training to all participants, so you’ll know what to ask for and why.
The results
The CLA has organized fly-ins every year since 2020. “Our collective efforts nearly tripled federal funding from Fiscal Year 2020 to Fiscal Year 2022,” says CLA co-founder Bonnie Crater.
And while the Fiscal Year 2023 budget isn’t finalized yet, Crater says both the House and the Senate have proposed or voted for additional Lyme funding.
I’ve participated in this event every year. It’s easy and fun. It’s also a good way for you to connect virtually with other advocates in your area.
Last year, some 300 advocates participated in the Fly-In. Will you join us and make that number even higher?
Click here to learn more about the 2023 Fly-in and to register
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland, President of She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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