Sign up now for 2024’s virtual Lyme Fly-In
People often tell me they want to start advocating for better medical care for Lyme patients. I always say that a good entry point is to take part in the annual virtual Lyme Fly-In sponsored by the Center for Lyme Action.
The next one is scheduled for February 20-21, 2024.
What it is: An opportunity for Lyme advocates anywhere in the US to tell their elected representatives why increased federal funding for Lyme disease is desperately needed. And ask for their support in the upcoming appropriations process.
How it works: The Center for Lyme Action sets up a video appointment for you and other advocates in your area to meet with the Washington staff of your Congressional representatives.
Don’t worry that you won’t know what to say. The CLA offers video training to all participants, so you’ll know what to ask for and why.
The following message from the Center for Lyme Action has details
Please register today and join us to grow Fiscal Year 2025 federal funding for Lyme disease. Our collective efforts have nearly tripled federal funding from Fiscal Year 2020 to Fiscal Year 2023. Thank you! And while the FY24 budget isn’t finalized yet, both the House and Senate have proposed additional Lyme funding.
Join the fun at our Fly-In on February 20-21, 2024! Here’s what to do next:
STEP 1. REGISTER. Go to the Center for Lyme Action events page and click the registration button. That will take you to a form to complete.
STEP 2. MARK YOUR CALENDAR. Please add the following events to your calendar: February 20 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm ET for the opening session. Block all day Feb 21 to allow time for three meetings with your Members of Congress (both House and Senate). If you would like additional training, block February 15 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET for an optional training session. You can find more information and a general agenda here.
STEP 3. STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES. We will be posting additional information and instructions as the Fly-In gets closer.
We look forward to working with you at our 5th Annual Lyme Fly-In. The event will be conducted by Zoom to maximize the number of participants and accommodate Lyme patients who can’t travel. We will send out more information soon. Thank you for your help!
Best regards,
Bonnie, Jeff, and Meghan
Center for Lyme Action
A few social media posts from last year’s Fly-In
Learn more about the Center for Lyme Action here.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland, President of She is co-author of Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease and of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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