TOUCHED BY LYME: New kids' book about ticks and Lyme disease
Hide-and-Seek: No Ticks Please
Dr. Nancy Fox, a long-time educator who has personal experience with Lyme disease, has written a book for children called “Hide and Seek: No Ticks Please.” Geared towards younger elementary grade readers, it offers the story of Alex and José, two kids who like to play in tall grasses and wooded areas. Alas, José has an unfortunate encounter with an embedded tick and ends up running a fever and feeling sick. (The book stops short of specifying whether he has Lyme disease, but that’s the clear implication.)
I can envision a parent using this book to start a conversation with their children on why it’s important to watch out for ticks and ways to do that. There’s are helpful pages on how to check yourself for ticks and if you find one, how to remove it. A list of educational resources is included in the back of the book.
Click here for the author’s website.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at
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