Yolanda Foster tops 5-year Lyme hit parade
The Real Housewife’s struggle with Lyme disease is by far the most-accessed news story on our blogs.
Five years ago this month, LymeDisease.org (then called the California Lyme Disease Association) launched a new and exciting project—our news blogs. The idea was to put news and commentary on Lyme-related subjects into one easy-to-find online location. Thus began my blog, Touched by Lyme, and Lorraine Johnson’s Lyme Policy Wonk. We’ve also posted links to a wide variety of news articles and event listings, as well as periodic offerings by guest writers.
According to Google Analytics, here are the 10 most-viewed subjects in that five-year period:
“Real Housewife” Yolanda Foster under treatment for Lyme disease
Starting with a tweet on Dec. 8, 2012, and continuing to this day, the star of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” has shared her Lyme disease treatment odyssey with the world. Click above to watch her heart-wrenching speech about Lyme from April 2013.
Dr. Phil features Lyme disease on his national TV show
April, 2012. Dr. Phil featured several Lyme patients, including his show’s long-time producer, as well as doctors on both sides of the Lyme controversy. Click above for more about this much-watched program.
IDSA hearing on the Lyme disease treatment guidelines
On July 30, 2009, we provided live-blogging of this historic event, as well as an opportunity for people to comment. Click above to re-live the moment.
Was the Embers Monkey study deliberately kept hidden for 12 years?
In February 2012, the Lyme Policy Wonk posted a 5-part series analyzing this critically important research, and how the delay of its publication harmed Lyme patients. Click above for segment one, which links to the whole series.
TOUCHED BY LYME: Filing for disability benefits when you have Lyme disease
Guest blogger & Lyme advocate Barbara Arnold, an attorney who practices disability law, discusses what’s needed for a Lyme patient to receive SSDI benefits.
TOUCHED BY LYME: Dr. Dave Martz overcomes an ALS death sentence with Lyme treatment
March 15, 2010. My profile of Dr. Martz, who was featured in the book Cure Unknown and the documentary Under Our Skin.
IDSA Lyme Guidelines and Patient Viewpoints Survey
In 2011, we launched what turned out to be the largest survey of Lyme patients ever undertaken.
Patient survey on the Impact and cost of Lyme disease
In 2013, we launched a survey looking at the economic and quality of life impact of Lyme disease.
TOUCHED BY LYME: Recovery is a long, slow, balancing act
April 1, 2013. Guest blogger Jennifer Crystal says there is no magic secret to getting over chronic Lyme disease.
TOUCHED BY LYME: When pain is simply unbearable
June 10, 2011. The heart-breaking story of a young man who could no longer tolerate the pain of Lyme disease.
To stay abreast of news and commentary of interest to the Lyme community, keep an eye on LymeDisease.org’s news blogs. You can also like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.
What “hits” will the next five years bring?
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland, LymeDisease.org’s VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at dleland@lymefaces.com.
thank you for the summary of the 10 most popular and read articles/videos, etc. since you folks began offering such EDUCATIONAL series for us all.
here’s to next 5 productive years with pres. barack obama or whoever SIGNING our lyme disease/vector-borne bills in congress! WHOOPIE!
bettyg, iowa lyme activist
44 yrs. chronic lyme
35 yrs. misdiagnosed by 40-50 drs.
Our 14 year old daughter suddenly lost her memory. After 1 1/2 months she was diagnosed with Lyme, Babeosis and 6 other infections. With 7 months of intensive IV therapy, homeopathic therapy and cognitive therapy her memory returned. Our story has been published as LymeLight and is available on amazon.com as an e-book and paperback. Our hope is to give hope to others infected and to increase Lyme awareness.