TOUCHED BY LYME: 4th year of “Take a bite out of Lyme” campaign
Once again, the international grassroots social media campaign known as “Lyme Disease Challenge” has been in full gear this month, raising Lyme disease awareness in a fun and whimsical way.
This is the fourth year that the project has asked advocates and celebrities to:
1. TAKE A BITE: Bite a lime and TAKE A PHOTO OR A SHORT VIDEO of the act.
2. SHARE A FACT: State ONE BRIEF FACT ABOUT LYME DISEASE, such as the facts provided here. You can say them in your video, write them on your photo, or include them in your post. Help us spread the true facts about Lyme disease!
3. PASS IT ON: Keep the campaign going — CHALLENGE THREE OTHER PEOPLE – your friends, family, whomever! – to take a bite!
This year, the Lyme Disease Challenge has joined forces with another group, Project Lyme. Here are some of the pictures that have resulted.
Are you up for this? Take the Lyme Disease Challenge.#health #ticks #LymeDiseaseChallenge #Lyme
— Fox5NY (@fox5ny) May 25, 2018
For more information:
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at .
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