TOUCHED BY LYME: Lyme moms to meet with Canadian Health Minister

A few months ago, I wrote about two Canadian mothers with Lyme disease—nurse Sue Faber and attorney Jennifer Kravis—and their Lyme Letters Canada campaign.
The campaign has gathered thousands of letters from Canadian Lyme patients, addressed to Federal Minister of Health Jane Philpott.
Now, the Honorable Jane Philpott has agreed to meet with them in person on September 14, 2017.
Faber writes on her Facebook page:
When I got the email invitation I just sat there and thanked God – we have been asking for six months straight – and here it is, the door has opened. We will be hand-delivering all the letters written through the Lyme Letters Campaign and we will be sharing the truth and reality what Lyme sufferers are facing across this country.
If you would like your letter of support for a family member, or your personal story to be included, there is still time. Please email your letter to
There is a collection of letters just about children and there are letters from virtually every province. Please amplify our collective voice by sharing your story too. It matters. Your suffering, struggle, denial of care matters. There is Hope!
The deadline for letters is September 1, to allow time for printing and sorting.
Please be sure to include your home address on the letter if you want a response from the Minister’s office. Please also let the group know if they can print an additional copy of your letter to share with media and other government officials in the future.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s VP for Education and Outreach. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
It has never been clear to me what is driving the global negation of this illness. Some sort of nihilistic hubris, arrogance and greed? Seems to be especially strong in Australia and Canada. I can assure you if physicians were being offered money to get educated and treat Lyme they would change their attitude about this infection, but money isn’t the whole story.
Is Western medicine so deeply controlled by pharma that unless they can make money with a new drug or vaccine they make sure their minions are in the darkness of mind-control…slaves that don’t know they are slaves (make the best slaves you know). So, there is no Lyme in Canada or Australia because ? someone, everyone, the government says there is no Lyme?
Is this a global Emperor’s New Clothes situation?
It is beyond reason and clearly a barometer of the insanity that is out there.
I guess we can all thank Elizabeth May for her bringing C-442 to parliament.
I hope they will request bands for Osp A and B be added to western blot reporting in Canada, that all positive or indicative Lyme specific bands be noted as such and reported to physicians and patients.
My husband was bitten by a Tick 20 years ago in Central BC. Locals had pointed out the insects and shared how a young boy had died after being bitten by a tick in the area. When a significant Bullseye Rash appeared where he had been bitten my husband sought his doctors advise. He was assured Lyme wasn’t possible.
For over two decades my husband has sought help from countless medical advisors. They have examined and administered such tests as Blood Work, Ct Scans, MRIs and the medications prescribed have been staggering. Physicians have been perplexed and most often could only resort to pain management. Several Lyme test have been requested by us over the years after researching Lyme disease symptoms. All results reported have been negative. We were unaware how complicated Lyme disease really is. The continued denial of the possibility of Lyme in Canada leads us to believe we have few Lyme Literate physicians in Canada. This promotes an attitude which continues to inflict unnecessary and very preventable pain on Canadian families.
We Canadians need the governments help to deal with Lyme disease in Canada. Efforts Minister Philpott,, needed to be made by you.
Carla Smith