Upcoming Lyme disease education events
Many successful Lyme education events have already come and gone in the past few weeks, but there are still a good number of them ahead. If you are lucky enough to have one in your area, these are great opportunities to learn more about Lyme–and meet others who are traveling the same road.
May 5, “Arts by the Bay—Ticked Off Lyme Disease Awareness,” Havre de Grace, MD. Artist Tracey Grumbach will discuss her battle with chronic Lyme disease and how it influences her life and art. https://www.facebook.com/events/1346661228706104/
May 5-6, “Lyme Awareness Minnesota Weekend, Bloomington, MN. Various activities at the Mall of America, including appearances by Ally Hilfiger, author of the Lyme memoir “Bite Me.” http://www.lymeawarenessmn.com/index.html
May 6, free showing of Lyme documentary “Under Our Skin,” sponsored by Madison Lyme Support Group, Madison, WI. https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2017/03/17/free-viewing-of-the-award-winning-documentary-under-our-skin-in-may/
May 6, Lyme Community Gathering, Tempe, AZ. Sponsored by the Arizona Lyme Disease Association. Speaker: Ken Mitchell, NMD, RPH. https://www.facebook.com/ArizonaLyme/
May 10-14, “Walking the Lyme Road: Integrative Medicine for Tick-borne Disease and Autoimmune Illness,” The Art of Living Retreat Center, Boone, NC. Retreat leaders: Katina Makris and Dr. Jodie Dashore. https://artoflivingretreatcenter.org/event-registration/?ee=346
May 11, “Lyme Disease: Your kids are at risk. And so are you,” Global Lyme Alliance, Stamford, CT. Speakers: Dr. Denis Bouboulis, Dr. Brian Fallon, and Kirby Stafford, State of Connecticut. www.gla.org/symposium
May 17, Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania monthly meeting, Kennett Square, PA. Speaker: Patricia Smith, president of the Lyme Disease Association. https://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/events/eventdetail/13/-/lda-sepa-meeting-in-kennett-square-pa-pat-smith-lda-president-will-be-speaking
May 18, 11th Annual Lyme Connection Patient Conference and Health Fair. Western Connecticut State University’s Westside Campus, Danbury, CT. Speakers: Dr. Thomas Moorcroft, Dr. Elena Frid, and Dr. Eva Sapi. http://lymeconnection.org/
May 20, “Real Health Symposium,” Tampa Bay, FL. Speakers: Dr. Rick Sponaugle and author Katina Makris. https://www.realhealthsymposium.org/
May 22, “The Little Things: One family’s battle with Lyme disease,” Glen Falls, NY. Docudrama based on the life of Joseph Elone, a New York teenager who died from unrecognized Lyme disease. http://www.woodtheater.org/event/lyme-action-network-presents-little-things/
May 23, Free screening of Lyme documentary “Under Our Skin” followed by discussion. Los Altos, CA. Speakers: Alix Mayer and Kathleen Steele, LCSW. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lyme-disease-awareness-film-night-tickets-33599022581
May 25, Dr. Joseph Brewer will present updates on his research into virus re-activation and immune system suppression, mold, Lyme and other chronic illnesses. Kansas City, MO. Sponsored by the Lyme Association of Greater Kansas City, Inc. http://www.lymefight.info/
May 26, Lyme Disease Symposium, Andover, Ohio. Speakers: Dr. Charles Ray Jones, Dr. Elena Frid, others. Sponsored by the NE Ohio Lyme Foundation. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lyme-disease-symposium-tickets-32820644431?aff=efbevent
June 3, Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases: 2nd Rocky Mountain Forum, Golden, CO. Speakers: Dr. Elizabeth Maloney, LDA President Pat Smith, Dr. David Martz, Dr. Jyotsna Shah, others. http://coloradoticks.org/
Sept. 23 Central Mass Lyme Conference, Worcestor, MA. Speakers: Dr. Kenneth Liegner, Dr. Dan Cameron, Dr. Elena Frid, Dr. Neil Spector, Dr. Steven Phillips, others. http://centralmasslymeconference.com/#/Home
Sept. 23-24, Lyme Disease Association/Columbia University Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases 18th annual CME conference for physicians & researchers, Philadelphia, PA. Members of the public may also register. More details soon. https://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/events
Nov. 9-12, ILADS 18th Annual Scientific Session, Boston, MA. This conference is geared to medical professionals, but members of the public can also register. http://www.ilads.org/lyme_programs/boston/ilads-boston-overview.php
Send announcements about upcoming educational events to newsletter@lymefaces.com .
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