NEWS: "Real housewife" Yolanda Foster tweets holiday photo of Lyme IV pole

With the photo, she posted this message: Sending love to all Lyme patients out there! I know this is tough, but ‘Together we stand strong.’
Foster, currently featured in “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” has been tweeting about Lyme disease since she had a port inserted for IV treatment earlier this month.
Foster, married to Grammy Award-winning music producer David Foster, today tweeted a photo of her feet, her holiday-themed fireplace mantle, and her IV pole.
Hi, I think I have had enough of this devestating disease for 6 years. I almost have no words to describe how hopeless you begin to feel. It has desroyed my health,marriage,job, family dynamics, social life ect….I am tired of trying to get the help I need from Doctors, insurance companies, Disability. I am tired of trying to just survive and spend my days solving problems. Will it ever be o.k. again will I ever have a sense of a normal life again. Season after season it is the same situation but the issues just keep getting bigger.
Do not lose hope. I have been dealing with this for a few years longer than you, 9 years. One thing that I can say is that every year it gets easier. So don’t give up. Get the best care from the best Lyme doctors and we will definitely get better.
Dear Cindy,
I am a 58 year old male who has a wife and two children, 18 and 14 where we all have Chronic Lyme, Bartonellam and Babesia Diseases. We go for daily IV treatment for the last two years with no real end in sight. It does put a terrible strain on the family, but the only other choice is to ignore it and have our health deteriorate even further. So we chose to combat it no matter what. It does take a toll on all of us, but we do our best to deal with this madness. Please stay strong and take this formidable challenge head on and simply try your best. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT!
Dear Cindy,
Please don’t give up. I have been in a similar situation. I still get hopeless sometimes. I realize like you do, that unless you have this disease, you cannot fully understand what it is like. It is horrible. There is hope. There are thousands working on our behalf to try and make things better. I do not know what to say, except that please do not give up hope. You are not alone in this fight even though it seems like it right now. There is hope around the corner…we just don’t know how long it will take. God Bless you!
Dear Lymies-
There are people out there who care for you. We care about your struggles and we pray for your well being. Even when you feel most alone and least heard, there are people who are praying for YOU and doing what we can to support you. You may never know our names, and we may never know all of yours – but you are loved. Bless you.
Hi Yolanda,
Could you please read the story about our beloved Dr. Jones in the News section dated Jan. 28th? Is there any way you could help spread the word for this great pediatric Lyme doctor? Thank you for sharing your story. We are grateful 🙂
My daughter was misdiagnosed for 7 years, one of the typical “stories”. Through a friend I decided to look further for medical care as she never
felt better since age 15 with the options given to her. She did test positive for Lyme at 22 years old with debilitating actions taking place in her body. My question is, are there any foundations to help those who have spent their life savings and can’t imagine stopping treatment after 7 months? I am far from alone as everyone knows. She does not qualify for insurance of any kind.
Blessings to you all.
The Lymelight Foundation–financial assistance for Lyme treatment for patients ages 3-25.
Clinic of Angels– –no age limits. Financial assistance for Lyme treatment.
For more resources about Lyme, see:
I was diagnosed march of 2012. I have lyme and bartonella and likely other co infections. I have experimented nearly every symptom you can imagine. I have birth to sox children without knowing I was infected. I live in Maine and have most if my life, though I lived in Connecticut as a toddler. My children need to be tested now. I have an 11 yr old who is symptomatic and I’m nursing two babies right now. I was diagnosed about 5 mths after giving birth last year. I’ve been on 3000mg a day of amoxicillin for almost a year now and I feel I’m getting worse. I’ve been hospitalized unable to walk and get ruled out MS, this was in 09….. Before my lyme dx. I can’t begin to tell you what I have had going on and for how long. It’s believed that I was infected around age 9, and I’m 37. I’m terrified for my children and for myself. I feel so alone and isolated. It feels like there’s no help. My PCP won’t help me and said infectious disease called both my western blots “false” positives because I had too many IgM band and had had symptoms too long, even though my bands were lyme specific. I was told I didn’t have one red swollen joint so it must not be lyme. I have an NP who prescribed me the amoxicillin and I’m trying to find an LLMD. This is an insane disease and the lack of support from the medical community is even more insane. I’m an RN and I never knew what lyme could do. People need to know the truth!