NEWS: Yolanda Foster tweets that she's back in the hospital
Recently returned from alternative Lyme therapy in Switzerland, the “Real Housewife” says: #1StepForward10StepsBack.”
Tags : Yolanda Foster
Recently returned from alternative Lyme therapy in Switzerland, the “Real Housewife” says: #1StepForward10StepsBack.”
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I would like to know how Yolanda was diagnosed and with what test was she “positive?” What are her symptoms beside the brain fog? My Lyme began with a Bull’s eye rash around a tick bite that refused to heal. Then it seemed to go away finally. It was not until months later that i awoke one day and was in incrediable joint pain. Every joint in my body was “out of place” and my back began cracking constantly, especially my neck. I had Bell’s Palsy, a partial paraysis of my face on the left side which eventually resolved. Then several months later came the daily fever, sleeping all day long getting up only for several hours at night. Only eating one small frozen enchalada daily. But I still forced myself to go to college by taking very small amounts of dexedrine on college days and eventally got a Master’s degree. I also went on massive vitamin therepy to replace the dexies. The bone/joint pain never resolved. I have it ’till this day. I have brain fog, but that does not interfere with my reasoning. I just have to go slow. The neck/back pain and headaches are what I am dealing with now, constant fatigue, stiif joints. If someone does not have these joint issues I seriously doubt they have Lyme disease.
Oh, how I can identify, and how sorry I am for Yolanda.
As a man in my fifties, I do not want to go through any more of this, but can accept the fact that I was healthy up till my late forties. For younger people, this is a tragedy.
I know EVERYTHING that you are feeling but I have been feeling this way for seven years. We estimate that I was bitten in about 1999. I ignored symtoms like migraines, dizziness, joint pain, because I had 5 kids whose total age difference was 2 1/2 years (that includes a set of triplets in case you’re wondering how that’s possible) We even moved from Ilinois, where my family is, to California because that was the only thing that the many doctors could come up with to help my migraines since they seem to be directly connected with weather changes. Due to an unrelated illness, my immune system plunged and the Lyme came pouring out. I say so many doctors it was ridiculous. Then we came upon a fairly young HMO doctor who was still willing to believe he didn’t know everything. After some trust was built on both sides, it became a challenge to him to figure out what was wrong with me. His name is Dr. Eric Madrid and we will be forever greatful to him. yet, he was also wise enough to know he did not have the nessesary knowledge to treat me. He found a Lyme doctor for us. After six months of IV antibiotics our insurance changed and no longer covered that doctor. My sister found another doctor for me in some underground Lyme chat room. I’m back on IV antibiotics (had to get a new port-the old one was filled with clots). I can’t think, I’m in so much pain that one day I had to use the restroom and I could
not get up for about 6 hours because I was so dizzy and in such excrutiating pain. My vision has gotten so bad along with the brain fog, it took about 3 hours to write this. I’m missing my kid’s lives, my husband is exhausted from working, trying to care for me, and missing hours of sleep because I have insomnia. Along with trying to keep five kids in college, the stress is getting to him. The more worn down he gets, the more signs of Lyme he is showing. I’m sure you’ve seen
(I don’t even know how I keep sending these incomplete messages) As I was saying, I’m sure you’ve seen the documentary “Under Our Skin” and are aware that there are ways you can spread Lyme to others. I don’t have access to all the resourses you do. So please, if you have any advice for me, please share it. I am so ready to give up, and once that happens, I will be signing my own death certificate.
I hope you are getting better and I wish the best for you and your family.
Thank you for listening to me ramble in my brain-fogged state.
Hi Cindy, I’m so sorry you’re sick with this terrible disease. It’s been a roller coaster ride for me too, so I completely relate. I was wondering if you’re being treated for the common co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia. I also live in California and became infected with Borrelia Hermsii, which is a West Coast infection. Take care Cindy, and keep on fighting.
Hi Yolanda. I would like to help you with some wonderful news of a great treatment that I got in Arizona. I was like you for 4 years. But after 3 months of alternative treatments, the best being ozone, I have been cured for 4 years on Feb. 8th. Ask Brandy to get my number from PeterMark in Florida. My name is Marie. I hate to see you still suffering.
What did have besides Lyme? Any co- infections? What alternative treatment did you do?
Hi Marie,
I am interested in your treatment that you received for lyme and now you are cured.
I would like to know the resources for your treatment too.
Yolanda I just want to say thank you from all of us suffering from tick borne illness for sharing your story. It is helping bring awareness to the general public. I myself am in treatment for the past 8 months for lyme, babesia, and bartonella. I have had symptoms for the past 10-15 years before I tested positive last year. Try to stay strong. You are correct though as it seems 1 step forward 10 back. We stand with you! <3 It helps to not feel alone with this horrible disease.
HI Everybody, I have been struggling with Lyme disease for 20 plus years now. They finally diagnosed me about 6 years ago. You know the old drill, you’re crazy – it’s all in your head, here’s some Prozac. I was nearly convinced until one doctor, God Bless him, finally said I think you might have Lyme disease. But haven’t had much luck getting rid of it. Also have some co-infections, I guess. Went to the Hansa Center in Wichita, KS – anybody have any experience with that? Had high hopes, but spent a fortune and found no help there. Lots of other places but so far still struggle. I’m 70 so it’s not so serious for me; I had 50 years of a wonderful life but feel sorry for the kids who have this awful disease.
Dear Yolanda, yes! A positive outlook helps tremendously. I’ve survived Malignant Melanoma at age 25, Breast Cancer at 40, and Thyroid Cancer at 50. However, my Lyme’s lead to various Autoimmune Disease. First it was Graves Disease @45 followed a year later by Rheumatoid Arthritis & Sojourn’s Syndrome. Just last week I had my ear freezed as I had Squamous Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer (now I’m 60) . They are testing me for Celiac Disease and God knows what else. Please be aware of this as Lymes’s and many Autoimmune Diseases have the same symptoms. Additionally, I saw a photo of your lovely daughter Gigi in Bazaar and noticed her moles. Please, please, please make sure she sees a Dermatologist every year. If the moles change in size, shape, color or bleed it could be Skin Cancer. Malignant Melanoma being the deadliest. I, like you am fair and have hazel eyes. Since my Melanoma surgery in 1981 I haven’t been in the sun for more than 20 minutes before 11am or after 4pm. Ultra violet rays are not as harsh at those hours. I was like you-always moving and an A personality. Now, if I’m able to walk in NYC for 5 blocks w/o horrendous pain I’m joyful! You’ll never be the same as before but, look at it as a new adventure. Stress is your enemy. Even getting on a jet to get somewhere is stressful. Look for Anti-Inflammatory foods on the Internet and stay hydrated. I’m thrilled for you that your husband is supportive but understand this is a Lifetime Disease.
My motto is- Everyday Above Ground is a Good Day! Wishing you luck and less pain free days. Best regards, Loretta